I am Luisa Camoglio, born in Cagliari in 1969, graduated from 2004 as a General practitioner in Amsterdam and from 2006 owner and farmer at La Casa di Sophia. La Casa di Sophia was built in 1920 (using stone from the local area) and it was abandoned for 25 years. Three sisters lived there during the summer to supervise the workers and participate in the duties of the vineyard. The house was restored in 2007 and named La Casa di Sophia, as my 1-year-old daughter.
The vineyard started to be cultivated in 1970 by the previous owner and farmer, Damiano. The plants needed to ill by cultivating them only through organic methods. In 2011 all farm was notified to an organic certificated organisation.
I was a cooperative member of the local Cantina di Calasetta until 2011 when I decided to transform my own organic grapes into organic own wine. La Casa di Sophia became a farm and a winery. Fernando, an experienced local farmer, taught me his artisanal winemaking method. Nowadays in September, you still might smell the fermenting grapes walking around Calasetta. This artisanal method was easy to be reproduced, but again more scientific knowledge was needed. Several professional winemakers helped me out to find today’s recipe.
My wines should be healthy without contamination of any unhealthy substances. Only sulfites are added and sometimes tartar acid (extracted from grapes). In the last years, my own grapes production (as in all areas) diminished, because my grapes plants are getting older, and the climate has become less mitigated. From May to November can be very hot and not raining at all. I rent two old vineyards, 100-75 and 50 years old, and notify them to an organic certification organization.
I produce 3 wines, La Casa di Sophia, Mangiabarche and Istmo, I sell my wine in Sardinia and the rest of Italy. I also import my wines in Amsterdam. I bring the bottles with my bike to my client. I believe in a circular economy (me and my wines circulate trying to respect the environment as much as we can)
I am very happy to be able to work and conduct alone all the wine making-processes: cutting and collecting the grapes, separating the rasps, fermenting the grapes, pressing them, (if needed) filtering, making the ranking and bottling the wines.

Every process is handily made (with the exception of pumping the wine with a machine and bottling), every working process is made with passion and love for nature and the beautiful island of Sant’Antioco. Enjoy my artisanal organic wines. Alla salute! Cheers!